Rite Aid - Business-to-Business EDI Trade Services

ASN Alerts - GXS

Rite Aid  

Notice Regarding ASN Alerts

Monitoring PO Expected Arrival Date


This is to advise that your company is receiving Email Alerts for Pending and Overdue Advance Ship Notices (ASN) from Rite Aid Corporation. These alerts are initiated and sent from our EDI Network (GXS) that monitors our Purchase Order (PO) Expected Arrival Date for ALL items on the PO.  


The purpose of the email alert is informational and to advise that Rite Aid has not received your ASN by the Arrival Date specified on the Rite Aid Purchase Order

Pending Email Alerts are sent 24 hours before Expected Arrival Date

Overdue Email Alerts are sent 24 hours after Expected Arrival Date     

 Also please note with regard to the content of the ASN data returned:

        You will receive an alert if you do not return the same UPC item identification sent in the Rite Aid Purchase Order

        You will receive an alert if not all items are shipped on the PO, an alert is generated for those items not shipped or not ordered   

         Rite Aid expects the same data we send in the PO to be returned in the ASN  


These Email Alerts are Buyer Alerts that are being generated from GXS EDI Network on a temporary basis through our Order Life Cycle (OLV) Service to acquaint you with the proactive alert service.

 If you are interested in the Order Lifecycle Visibility Service from GXS please call Customer Support at 1-800-560-4347 ext. 2275 for further details or email [email protected] if wish to subscribe to these Vendor Alerts directly.



Below is an Example of the ASN Alert


RE:      Overdue Shipment Alert (OLV)


Dear user:


The following Purchase Order Schedule(s) have exceeded the acceptable

shipment window set by your company.


 PO Number:  1999979 (PO Number)

 Release Number: 

 Line ID:  001 <-(PO line number)

 Schedule ID:  001

 Supplier Company: ABC Company <-(Supplier Company)

 Vendor Code: 12345 <-(Rite Aid Vendor Number)


 PO Number:  5529229

 Release Number: 

 Line ID:  002

 Schedule ID:  001

 Supplier Company: ABC Company

 Vendor Code: 12345



A Purchase Order Schedule is considered past due when your company has not

received the requested quantity by the requested arrival date.


Please logon to Order Lifecycle Visibility, http://olv.gxsolc.com, to review

and take action on these Purchase Orders as soon as possible. <-(Must Be Registered for this Service)


Thank you!