Rite Aid - Business-to-Business EDI Trade Services

Data Sharing

Policy on Data Sharing/Collaboration of Replenishment Data
for DC Inventory/Replenishment Forecast/POS

Sharing of replenishment data is available in the following areas:

  • DC Inventory Movement: Basis is daily by DC and SKU available through EDI and also through OLV web-based solution.
  • DC Replenishment Forecast: Basis is weekly by DC and SKU (EDI and also through Prescient Solutions)
  • Point-of-Sale: RiteInsight Program

                 * Link to Supplier Portal and go to Category Management.

Trading Partners must be "Pre-Qualified" in order to receive this data electronically through EDI transactions as well as through our web site or other solutions. The qualifying information must evidence that the trading partner is capable of processing and handling the data in order to add value by impacting the order fulfillment rate and lead time and other performances metrics.

Inventory Replenishment

Four models are offered for replenishment management that involve electronic exchange of data sharing. The models supported are:

    1. Continuous Replenishment (CRP/VMI)-where appropriate and there is value for this joint effort, DC movement and/or POS data will be made available through support of the EDI 852 and the 855 PO Acknowledgement transactions. The ASN is expected on all PO's.
    A Direct-Store-Delivery VMI program is also supported, prior approval is required.

    2. Co-managed Replenishment (Sharing of Forecast Projection and Movement): as Rite Aid E3 Trim manages replenishment, the E3 Forecast data will be made available on a weekly basis through support of the EDI 830 transaction and web-based Prescient and Forecast Exchange, as well as the 852 transaction on DC Inventory/Movement: Where applicable the PO Acknowledgements will be utilized. The ASN is expected on all PO's.

                 * Link to Supplier Portal and go to Supply Chain Replenishment and Collaboration.

    3. Collaborative Planning Forecast and Replenishment (CPFR)-data sharing of the 830 and 852 data as well as access into Rite Aid's replenishment modeling system to enable collaboration. The ASN is expected on all PO's.

             * Link to Supplier Portal and go to Supply Chain Replenishment and Collaboration.
    4. E3 Trim Managed Replenishment - with no data sharing, all PO's sent through EDI 850 transactions. The ASN is expected on PO's.

To obtain further information please contact:

EDI/B2B Department at 717-731-3815 or email us at [email protected]. You may visit our E-Business Trade Services web site at www.riteaid.com and select Supplier Portal under Our Company tab.

Data Sharing Agreement

All data sharing programs require prior approval and the Rite Aid Data Sharing Agreement be executed.