Rite Aid - Business-to-Business EDI Trade Services

Vendor Scorecard Research Request Questions

All Vendor Scorecard questions and inquiries should be sent to the Rite Aid Vendor Management Group email [email protected]. Please refer to the following information when requesting Vendor Scorecard issues to be researched.  Vendor Scorecard issues that require research would include late or missing acknowledgment (997) of purchase orders, late or missing advance ship notice (856) or invoices (810) also EDI non-compliance of purchase order (850), invoices (810) and/or advance ship notice (856).

Vendor Scorecard inquiries and issues must be submitted in a timely manner.  Researching issues beyond 30 days of the occurrence will require more time; therefore a response could take up to 48 hours of the request. Please refer to the Supplier Compliance section of the Rite Aid Supplier Portal for additional information.  To expedite researching Vendor Scorecard issues the EDI/B2B Department requires the requestor’s contact information- including name, telephone number, and email address; company name and Rite Aid vendor number along with the details of the request – your company ISA sender/receiver ID, ISA control number, date of the specific document, purchase order number, invoice number and/or ASN number are necessary.


Thank you for your assistance.

Rite Aid EDI/B2B Department
Help Desk: (717) 731-3815
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.RiteAidEDIServices.com
Fax-On-Demand: (888) 796-3686


Frequently Asked Questions- 997 Functional Acknowledgements

For Use by Rite Aid Suppliers

I’ve returned the 997 functional acknowledgements.  Why have fees been assessed?
Rite Aid requires that the 997 functional acknowledgements for all transactions sent by Rite Aid be received within 24 hours of the date and time sent.  Fees will be assessed for 997 functional acknowledgements not received within the required 24 hour time period. Discrepancies should be sent to the Vendor Management Group with the purchase order date and time and the ISA control number and date the acknowledgement was sent.

Are 997 functional acknowledgements expected on weekends and holidays?
Weekends and holidays are taken into consideration.  Observed holidays are: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Presidents’ Day. Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.  Any other holidays are not included and the 997 functional acknowledgements are expected within the 24 hour time requirement.

Why wasn’t I notified at the time of the late 997 functional acknowledgment occurrence?
The Rite Aid EDI/B2BDepartment monitors all ‘Over-due 997 Acknowledgment’ report on a daily basis and makes every effort to manually confirm receipt of purchase orders appearing on the report at that time. Once the acknowledgement is received the purchase order/vendor is systematically removed from the report.  If the 997 is late but received prior to the report, the vendor could not be notified.

Why does my scorecard show 0% for 997 compliance?       
A report showing 0% would signify that none of the 997 functional acknowledgements were received within the required 24 hour time frame for that month. The Scorecard updates on the 6th of each month and the results are posted on the 7th of each month. 

What is the fee for 997 non-compliance?
Key performance expense offset fee of $250 per occurrence will be assessed if the vendor fails to meet minimum vendor compliance goals for two consecutive monthly periods.

Frequently Asked Questions- 856 Advance Ship Notice (ASN)

For Use by Rite Aid Suppliers

Rite Aid’s ASN program became effective September 1, 2002.  All active Rite Aid vendors are subject to related fees for ASN non-compliance.  New vendors must be EDI compliant within 30 says of the initial purchase order shipment due date.

When does Rite Aid want to receive the ASN?
The 856 Advance Ship Notice (ASN) must be received within 24 hours of the ship date and time as indicated within the ASN DTM011 segment and prior to receipt of the shipment at the distribution center. The supplier indicated ship date and time within the ASN DTM011 is the basis of comparison to the ASN received date and time. Rite Aid receives data from its network on an hourly schedule.  Rite Aid expects that all vendors transmit the ASN for all DC shipments regardless of the day of the week that the product is shipped.

What is the fee for sending the ASN late?
A Key Performance Offset fee of $250 per occurrence will be assessed for late ASNs if a vendor fails to meet the minimum vendor compliance goal for two consecutive months.

What if my company does not send an ASN?
Your company will be charged an Expense Offset Fee of $50 per purchase order for ASN non-compliance.

Frequently Asked Questions- General EDI Compliance Requirements

For use by Rite Aid Suppliers

What is the fee for EDI non-compliance purchase orders and invoices?
Per the Supplier Compliance Guide, a $50 Expense Offset Fee will be incurred per occurrence of a non-EDI purchase orders.  Five manual (paper) invoices will be tolerated during each month.  Each manual invoices beyond the tolerated five invoices will be assessed a $50 expense offset fee.

Will my company be charged for paper invoices that were submitted at the request of Rite Aid Accounts Payable Department?
Any non-EDI invoices beyond the tolerated five invoices will be viewed as non-compliant.  Invoices at the request of Accounts Payable should be submitted via EDI when at all possible.

Currently, my company is not EDI compliant with Rite Aid for purchase orders, invoices and the advance ship notice.  Who do I contact for information to start the EDI process with Rite Aid?
EDI information is available on Rite Aid’s E-Business Trade Services Website or send an email to [email protected].

Who should I contact if I have an EDI Scorecard dispute?
All scorecard disputes should be directed to [email protected].  For EDI disputes please include the following:

  • Your contact information, company name and Rite Aid vendor number
  • Your company’s EDI sender/receiver ID
  • Detailed explanation of your dispute including the dates and ISA control number

For use by Rite Aid Third Party Service Providers

What is the compliance policy concerning Third Party Service Solution Providers?
Policy Statement Third Party Service Solution Providers:
Regarding interruptions or outages by any Third Party providing EDI services or supporting our Trading Partners that impact their transaction flow:
Our corporate policy is Rite Aid will not be responsible for any compliance fee reversals resulting from such service occurrences. The issue is between the Third Party Service Provider and the Client (Trading Partner).



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