Rite Aid - Business-to-Business EDI Trade Services

Rite Aid B2B EDI Trade Services

Services Supported for Rite Aid

  • OLV Web Forms (PO. Invoice, ASN)
  • OLV DSD Invoicing
  • OLV Visibility on EDI Transactions through GXS Network
  • OLV - FA Management
  • OLV - DC Inventory Visability

Obtain more information about Rite Aid's EDI Services.

Registered users of GXS OLV Services (Requires userid & password)


Order Lifecycle Visibility - A GXS Trading GridSM Application Service


The Global eXchange Services (GXS) Order Lifecycle Visibility (OLV) service facilitates the automation of transactions between companies and their trading partners. It is the solution for companies seeking to effectively and efficiently manage the entire purchase order life cycle process.

Powered by the Global eXchange Services Trading Grid, Order Lifecycle Visibility provides an automated, consistent flow of timely accurate and complete information on Purchase Orders, Invoices and ASNs.


Visibility and Alerts: Order lifecycle visibility provides an exception and alert based framework for Vendors /Suppliers to gain visibility and insights into electronic supply chain transactions.

Web-based Enablement: Order Lifecycle visibility incorporates a simple, efficient and cost-effective web-based solution for non-EDI or partially-EDI vendors/suppliers to receive purchase orders and create electronic invoices, credit notes or ship notices. OLV's flexible and powerful business rules and web-forms coupled with its role-based exceptions and alerts provide a comprehensive set of partner enablement and supply chain visibility solutions

Purchase Order Presentation

Sharing purchase orders electronically is the first step toward establishing more comprehensive business transaction processes. With GXS Order Lifecycle visibility, vendors can model business rules and alerts on certain events.

Line item information, commercial arrangements, order fulfillment requirements and other instructions contained in the purchase order will also be visible.

    Salient Features
  • Receive e-mail alerts and message center notifications pertaining to new or changed purchase orders
  • View purchase order terms, conditions and instructions
  • View order details including comprehensive line item information and commercial terms
  • View purchase order changes and revision histories (Future for Rite Aid)
  • Assign and manage purchase order alerts and exceptions.
Shipping and Logistics

Vendors large and small can use the flexible and intuitive OLV web user interface for online creation of Advanced Shipment Notice (ASN) documents. OLV also provides a powerful interface to view electronically created and submitted ASNs and associate them with purchase orders and invoices.

    Salient Features
  • Create comprehensive Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) documents document at the click of a button
  • View EDI ASNs and associate shipping documents with purchase orders and invoices
  • Minimize data entry errors by easily turning the contents of purchase orders into ASNs
  • Optimize supply chain operations by planning optimized/consolidated shipping
  • Assign and manage shipping alerts and exceptions like "pending shipments", "overdue shipments" etc.
  • View shipping documents with purchase orders

The GXS Order Lifecycle Visibility Invoice module supports e-invoicing and self-service invoice status inquiry. Vendors can create invoices, and seamlessly transmit them to the retailer's financial back-end system via the GXS Trading Grid.

OLV provides visibility to electronically created and submitted invoices and associates them with purchase orders and shipping documents.

    Salient Features
  • Create and submit detailed error free invoices based on purchase orders
  • Generate free-standing invoices without purchase orders
  • Create Direct Store Delivery invoices.
  • Create credit notes or credit memos
  • Obtain timely invoice status update information
  • Associate invoices and other related commercial documents with purchase orders
  • Assign and manage invoice related exceptions and alerts
GXS Trading Grid and Global eXchange Services

The GXS Trading Grid offers a pre-configured network of trading partner connections and also offers a proven methodology for quickly and cost effectively enabling trading partners anywhere in the world and integrating to internal enterprise resource or supply chain planning applications.

Global eXchange Services is a leading provider of B2B e-commerce solutions that simplify and enhance business process integration and collaboration. Organizations worldwide including over half of the Fortune 500, leverage GXS's global interoperability and supply chain execution solutions to achieve the perfect balance of supply and demand. GXS solutions, powered by the Trading Grid enable customers both large and small to connect with their global trading partners, synchronize product information and optimize the execution of their supply chains.